5 Crazy Facts About The Human Body

5 Crazy Facts About The Human Body

(DailyDig.com) – It might not feel like it as you struggle to drag yourself out of bed some mornings, but the human body is an incredible machine. It’s sophisticated, efficient, very good at repairing itself — and also pretty weird. Here are some things about your body we bet you didn’t know.

  1. Did you ever notice how, as people get older, they start to look more like a caricature drawn when they were young? One reason for that is that caricatures are drawn with exaggerated ears and noses, and your real ones never stop growing. When you’re old, your nose and ears look bigger because they are bigger.
  2. Your ears keep growing for your whole life, but your skin doesn’t last long at all. In fact, you lose more than 30,000 dead skin cells every minute, and the entire surface is replaced in about a month.
  3. The average person’s nose produces about a cup of mucus daily. Yes, we know you don’t blow anywhere near that much into a handkerchief — so where does all that snot go? Our advice is don’t think about it too much.
  4. How tall are you? Now, look at your watch. The average person will lose half an inch of height through the day, as their own weight slowly compresses their spine. A good night’s sleep will give it a chance to stretch out again, though. So next time you want to stay in bed a little longer, you have an excuse!
  5. If you live for 75 years, your heart will beat around three billion times. That’s actually remarkable. Most other species of mammal average between 700 million and 1.5 billion beats in their lifetime — and how long they live depends on how fast their heart beats. For example, if you’re an Etruscan pygmy shrew with a heart rate of 1,500 beats per minute, don’t start any long books.

Which one of these unusual facts is your favorite?

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