(DailyDig.com) – According to the ‘Fostering Resource Efficiency in Education by Zero Employment Act’ (FREEZE Act), the Federal Department of Education (DOE) would be prohibited from hiring any more staff or creating any additional roles.
The ‘FREEZE Act,’ proposed by Representative Aaron Bean, a Republican from Florida, would do exactly that to the DOE. No one will be able to be appointed to any position in the DOE, which would have amounted to swelling an already massive government bureaucracy. Also, since there are currently plenty of departments that the DOE intends to add to its agency in various divisions of the DOE, the plan would also prohibit the creation of new ones that do nothing additional to prepare students for further study in the federal bureaucracy.
The ‘FREEZE Act’ states that any funds remaining in the Department of Education’s uncommitted fund balance is forever rescinded. This includes any funds that are more than the sum required to pay the expenditures or wages of every individual employed by the DOE as of that date.
Put another way, the statute forbids the appointment of any person to any post inside the Department of Education. In addition, the Education Department may not add any new positions at this time.
Bean said in an announcement that parents, not faceless government officials, should have the most say in how their children are educated. The Department of Education has become more bureaucratic, and it is long past time for the federal government to withdraw from the classroom. Bean stated that the federal government should have a much smaller role, and education policy should be returned to the hands of the local and state communities.
The idea of eliminating, or reigning, in federal government departments, has long been a goal of many conservative U.S. politicians. Some have proposed legislation that would completely abolish the Department of Education, reflecting the wishes of many Americans.
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