Biden Encouraged To Lead the Path For Ukraine To Join NATO

Biden Encouraged To Lead the Path For Ukraine To Join NATO

( – When NATO allies meet in Washington, DC, in July, they will be discussing Ukrainian membership. At their previous meeting last year, they pledged to go on the offensive to allow Ukraine membership, but little to no progress ensued.

U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration pointed out that the offer of membership for Ukraine must be made. However, details regarding the promise that Biden made remain undetermined. According to sources in the administration, the overall consensus is that he should keep his promise by leading the alliance of allies in proposing a clear and solid proposal on how to deliver the “bridge to membership.”

There have been discussions about several ways to achieve membership, but no single, compelling proposal has gained acceptance. Some discussions focused on what NATO could do to enable Ukraine’s future in their alliance. An outline of a possible path to membership included talks with Ukraine prior to any invitation to join NATO becoming official. The talks would establish a timeline for their acceptance and establish a compact between Ukraine and the allies for bilateral agreements aimed at ensuring their security.

Any movement toward bringing Ukraine into NATO must be a pact in which all NATO members declare an undeniable stake in seeing Ukraine’s success in their war with Russia. A suggested solution involved shifting the international allies’ point of support from the US to Brussels. What that would accomplish would be a guarantee of support from NATO, regardless of whatever policies come from the US.

Due to the future support from the U.S. hinging on the presidential election coming up in November, the move from the U.S. to Brussels would ensure NATO’s support of Ukraine. Over the past two years of debates and congressional talking points, Biden’s administration has consistently supported Ukraine.

With former President Donald Trump’s promises about not continuing the support that the US has been giving Ukraine, it is doubtful that his presidency will allow the war to continue.

The NATO meeting in July may be Biden’s last chance to secure for Ukraine the international support they need.

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