(DailyDig.com) – President Biden stood by his choice of Kamala Harris as his VP during his reelection announcement. Harris was featured prominently in the campaign video, as they can be seen strolling along together on the campaign’s website.
Despite her poor popularity and the accusation that Biden is far too elderly for a second term, Harris announced that she would run as Biden’s VP in 2024.
Harris could assume a pivotal role in Biden’s second term, given that, at 80 years of age, Biden already is the oldest US president. His administration is frantically trying to boost Harris’ flagging poll results.
Anita Dunn, an experienced West Wing staffer, is also trying to place Harris in positions where she can further the Democrats’ goals. In the early days of the Biden administration, Harris was tasked with dealing with southern border concerns. When Roe v. Wade was reversed by the Supreme Court, her focus shifted to abortion. More events for Harris relating to abortion and infrastructure have been scheduled thanks to Dunn’s appointment of staff to do so.
Harris has garnered lackluster support from other Democrats due to her poll numbers hovering around 36% amid scathing media stories questioning her ability. The finance chairman in Florida for former President Clinton, John Morgan, is among the prominent Democrats who have soured on Harris. He said that she had done nothing except remain out of sight.
To further put space between himself and Harris, Biden has attended less functions and personal lunches with her during his term. In the past, he’d committed to seeing Harris for lunch once every week.
According to Biden, Obama and he used to have weekly lunches together while he was vice president. During the lockdown, he said, Harris and he were eating lunch together due to the epidemic, and he would see her often.
In 2021, Biden took lunch with Harris 24 times, in 2022 they ate together 8 times, and in 2023 they’ve already had 6 lunches.
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