Colon Cancer on The Rise Among Young Adults

Colon Cancer on The Rise Among Young Adults

( – Colon cancer rates are rising rapidly in adults under 50 years old. A recent study reveals that individuals under the recommended age of 45 for regular testing are receiving colon cancer diagnoses.

The current recommendation is for people, starting at age 45, to have screening for colon cancer every 10 years. A new study found that colon cancer data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that rates for people aged 10 to 44 are rising quickly.

Data from 80 studies was used in the new research analysis, including nearly 25 million colon cancer patients less than 50 years old. These patients presented to doctors with blood in their stools (45 percent), abdominal cramps (40 percent), and changes in bowel habits (27 percent). Joshua Demb, a UofC, San Diego, gastroenterology graduate student, managed the research team.

The time it took for a proper diagnosis in these patients of early-onset colon cancer from presentation to diagnosis was between four and six months, according to Demb’s report.

According to updated statistics from the American Cancer Society (ACS), colon cancer’s increased rates in younger Americans are now leading to a higher rate of cancer deaths for men under the age of 50. It is also the second-leading cancer death rate for women under 50.

The ACS released its statistics report in 2024. This news led to a call from many experts to provide earlier screening for patients.

The results of this research show that more young people in America must be aware of possible symptoms of colon cancer and insist their doctors test for the possible diagnosis immediately.

The symptoms that could lead to a diagnosis of colon cancer include bloody stools, abdominal cramps, and changes in bowel habits. While these symptoms may be associated with other problems, the surge in young people’s colon cancer diagnoses underscores the urgency of testing.

Demb stated that many young people seem to believe they are too young to have cancer, but the nearly 50 percent chance it could be colon cancer should spur them to seek medical attention.

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