Disney Singer Dies At 48 Years Old

Disney Singer Dies At 48 Years Old

(DailyDig.com) – According to a statement released by her family, Hong Kong-born actress and singer CoCo Lee died on July 5. Her age was given as 48. Carol and Nancy, Lee’s sisters, said that on July 2, Lee made the decision to end her life and was afterwards brought to the hospital, where medical staff made every effort to rescue her. After three days in a coma, despite the medical staff’s best attempts to revive her, she died.

According to an Instagram post made by her sisters, CoCo’s mental health had been declining rapidly over the last several months, and that she had been depressed for many years. CoCo received counseling from professionals and tried her hardest to overcome her despair, but ultimately she succumbed to it.

They explained that in 2023, CoCo would have been a singer for 30 years. Over the course of her 29-year career, she has amassed innumerable international accolades, released several platinum-selling songs, and wowed audiences with unforgettable live performances. She is also credited with breaking new ground for Chinese singers in the worldwide music arena. She made great efforts to stand out for the Chinese community.

The sisters kept telling her fans how proud they are of her. They consider it a great blessing to be sisters with someone of her caliber and character. They praise God for sending them such a wonderful angel. They have confirmation that she has left her depressive state behind and is now in a better state. They have faith that God is looking out for her best interests.

Lee’s song “A Love Before Time,” from the film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” was nominated for an Academy Award and made her a household name throughout the world. As a judge, she often made appearances on popular mainland Chinese singing competitions, including “Come Sing With Me” and “Chinese Idol.” When Disney’s “Mulan” was shown in China, she provided the voice for the main character.

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