Famous Actor Defends Biden

Famous Actor Defends Biden

(DailyDig.com) – On April 21, during a promotion for the new series “Franklin,” actor Michael Douglas spoke in an interview on a broadcast news outlet about President Biden.

He was asked, since he is younger than Biden by two years (79), if he had any concerns about his age. Douglas replied that he has talked to people who have said that he is fine. They say that he is “sharp as a tack.”

At 81, Biden has been a concern for critics who believe that his age is a detriment to being able to serve as President of the US. According to a February poll, 59% of US citizens believe Biden is too old to serve another term as US President.

Another poll a month ago showed that 63% of US citizens believed that Biden’s age should keep him from serving as president again. Another question asked if he was mentally fit to serve, which received 57%, stating that he was not mentally fit.

Douglas said in his interview that many people have memory issues as they age. Forgetting people’s names is common, and his stuttering problem during his life is something he has had to overcome. So, he might forget names or stumble over the pronunciation, as expected.

The star of “Wall Street” said that everyone in Biden’s entire cabinet, along with Vice President Harris, would not have a problem working for him during his next term as President. He then discussed former President Trump, but not by name, by saying that the other candidate’s cabinet doesn’t want to work with him.

Douglas said that many of his former officials in his cabinet have refused to support him publicly in his campaign for reelection. Even Mike Pence, his vice president, declared earlier this year that he would not give his endorsement to his previous boss for his reelection campaign.

He claimed that this election could be the most important in his entire life. He stated that the US needs someone with experience, especially in the global sphere.

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