(DailyDig.com) – In an attempt to curb inflation, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has proclaimed a “state of emergency” to suspend the state’s excise tax, which is levied on a variety of products and services as well as on diesel and gasoline used for transportation.
On September 13, the executive order (EO) will become effective and remain in place until October 12. It’s expected that Georgians will save nearly $.35 per gallon on diesel and $.31 per gallon on gasoline.
Kemp said on September 12 that he was taking these measures because of the federal policies of President Biden, whom he believed were to blame for the current economic downturn in Georgia.
He said that he issued the EO to provide genuine assistance to the hardworking people of Georgia at the pump because of the strain that high prices have placed on their household budgets. Those in the middle income bracket in Georgia will benefit the most from the tax cut.
To keep their citizens and their economies going despite Washington’s inactivity on increasing gasoline costs, Governor Kemp has suspended vehicle fuel taxes, which House Speaker Jon Burns of Georgia commended.
In March 2022, Kemp first put a 10-month hold on Georgia’s gas tax.
In addition to the 18.4 cents in federal tax that is added to the price of a gallon of fuel in Georgia, the state adds on its own 29.1 cents. There are additional taxes imposed by the city of Atlanta and certain counties. Diesel fuel is taxed at a federal rate per gallon of 24.4 cents, while Georgia levies a tax of 32.6 cents.
According to AAA, the median cost of a gallon of fuel in Georgia was $3.57 as of September 12; this is about 33 cents higher than 2022, approximately 6 cents lower than at the same period in August, and approximately six cents more than on September 11.
A gallon of standard unleaded gas costs around $3.83 throughout the country, but in Georgia, it is still lower.
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