Jamie Foxx Praises Sister for Saving His Life

Jamie Foxx Praises Sister for Saving His Life

(DailyDig.com) – During Jamie Foxx’s current health crisis, Deidra Dixon, his sister, reportedly became his primary caregiver.

Foxx updated his Instagram followers on his condition and rehabilitation on July 22 with a message. He said that he had experienced something he had always hoped to avoid. He was aware that many people were interested in his news, but he wasn’t keen on being closely observed.

Foxx emphasized that he hopes his movie and TV audiences will see him in a lighthearted, humorous setting. He didn’t want them to wonder whether he would be able to make it when they saw the tubes coming out of him.

His path to rehabilitation was not without its bumps, but he felt that he had gone to the grave and back. But he’s making a full recovery and returning to work.

Foxx, 55, took to social media on August 1 to express gratitude to his lovely sister and to wish her a happy birthday. He praised her bravery and said she expresses the power of a lioness. He wouldn’t be here today if not for her. He claims that he would have perished if she hadn’t made the choices she made. Finally, he told her that his love would last forever and ever.

He posted many pictures he had taken of Dixon, as well as one of them both hugging.

Foxx said that both his sister and his child, Corinne, were responsible for his survival. He expressed that it was wonderful to have his family pitch in like that. They sealed it up and made sure nothing leaked out. That kind of devoted protection is what he wishes every person could receive when they go through times like he did.

Foxx hasn’t said what kind of medical issue he had, but he has dispelled speculation that he was blinded or paralyzed. He has also been seen in public view in recent weeks.

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