(DailyDig.com) – “We still don’t know where that diamond is at to this day.” This a quote from an anonymous IRS whistleblower who is referencing an $80,000 diamond Hunter Biden received from a foreign contact. Through tax documents and recent whistleblower accounts it’s becoming clear Hunter Biden was raking in so much money that no-one can say how much he has. Tax investigators have remarked that they’ve seldom seen anyone who leads as lavish a lifestyle as Hunter Biden. Transcripts released by the House Ways and Means Committee feature IRS employees testifying about Hunter’s almost inexplicable wealth.
Representative Jason Smith (R-MO) said the report details charges some IRS agents recommend be filed against the first son relating to tax evasion, fraud, false statements, failure to file and other felonious crimes. Smith says taxes not reported from global income “streams to” Hunter Biden and his associates from Russia, Ukraine, China and Romania from 2014 to 2019 in the amount of $17.3 million. Hunter Biden is alleged to have “personally received” $8.3 million as well as other money and gifts such as $664,000 from Chinese State Energy HK, a $142,000 Porsche car and the $80,000 diamond. Smith says these are only a fraction of money and valuables Biden received but illustrate the enormity of his operation.
Hunter Biden is set to plead guilty in exchange for the extremely lenient plea agreement the DOJ offered him for tax evasion and gun crimes. He will receive no jail time and after two years of probation the felony will be expunged and Biden may once again own handguns. The whistleblowers also outline a pattern of “stonewalling” and other measures by IRS officials to protect Biden and his family. The whistleblowers say this interference makes it so “there is no way of knowing” the details of activity between Hunter and Joe Biden.
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