Moms Reported To FBI For Voicing Concern Over Curriculum

Moms Reported To FBI For Voicing Concern Over Curriculum

( – Two Ohio moms have found themselves embroiled in a nasty battle between their school board, the police and the government over questioning the curriculum. Andrea Gross and Amy Gonzalez claim they questioned the Columbus Academy school administrators about potential bias in their curriculum and immediately became targets of an organized bullying campaign. Their children were not allowed to re-enroll and they filed a formal complaint in mid-June over the treatment they received from the school. They allege administrators not only alerted the 900 school faculty members but contacted the FBI to report the mothers as dangerous people. Gross said she was shocked by this reaction and says the actions of the school caused issues within the community so powerful that her own daughter left the state to attend a new school.

Gonzales and Gross are seeking compensation for what their complaint contends were school personnel disseminating false information, initiating a government investigation and greatly damaging their reputations. They allege the school displayed an open hostility toward conservative students including a teacher they say told students on the first day of class he would not communicate with any who supported Donald Trump. Gonzalez who is Latina further claims her daughter was not “offered inclusion” benefits as much as other minority students. That also say the school’s head of Security filed what they believe to be a false police report. After having a police report filed against them and an FBI notification that they were potential dangers; the women felt intimidated and fearful of the environment the Academy created. Columbus Academy released a statement calling the allegations “false and misleading” they labeled the charges by the woman as “inflammatory attacks” which harmed their staff. They claim they were within their rights to dis-enroll their children per the terms of their enrollment agreement.

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