“The Black Phone” Flips the Horror Script

"The Black Phone" Flips the Horror Script

“The Black Phone” Flips the Horror/Thriller Script – And It’s Family Friendly

(DailyDig.com) – Over the years horror movies have become somewhat predictable. Every now and then there will be a film that stands out and captivates an audience. The new movie “The Black Phone” just so happens to be one of those gems, combining several elements almost flawlessly. Better yet, it flips the horror script, offering viewers a truly unique experience.

Often in horror films the killer uses a phone to toy with their victims or to instigate police, but “The Black Phone” isn’t your typical horror movie. Set in 1978 northern Denver, the film follows the life of Finney, a 13-year-old boy. The movie sets the tone early with abusive parents suffering from alcoholism, bullying, and posters of missing kids. A serial killer, called the Grabber, with a nod to John Wayne Gacy, is a magician, and so far, there are five missing teen boys. Finney knows some of them, but the 13-year-old soon becomes the sixth.

The movie urges the audience to not talk to strangers, but that’s what the movie is about. While the Grabber isn’t a person Finney should speak to, there’s a black phone in the killer’s basement that’s disconnected. Yet, the teen boy speaks to people, the Grabber’s previous victims, on the phone, some of whom the boy knows. The movie takes a supernatural turn when the spirits of previous victims help Finney escape, although the story may rely on that aspect a bit much.

While the movie is rated R, meaning anyone under the age of 17 needs a guardian or parent accompanying them to the theater, it blends horror and thriller together well, while remaining somewhat kid-friendly. “The Black Phone” is a scare for the whole family.

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