WHO Makes New Push To Control “Disinformation”

WHO Makes New Push To Control "Disinformation"

(DailyDig.com) – The original idea behind the United Nations (UN) was to provide a platform where nations could come together to resolve their differences, build trust and cooperation, without damaging their sovereignty. But the UN and its institutions have been deteriorating into another globalist instrument for decades.

The UN, and more recently, the World Health Organization (WHO), are being used for global objectives rather than guaranteeing confidence. Not surprisingly, the WHO is engaging in censorship and online data suppression while citing misinformation.

Many see the spread of false information as an urgent problem. Still, it’s not easy to comprehend, describe, quantify, or combat deception.

It seems the UN is following the lead of nations that conspire with large technology companies to censor free expression, according to a recent declaration from the WHO. Cyberattacks on health care problems and misinformation seem to have recently replaced genuine health concerns as the focus of WHO’s efforts by calling them “health security risks.”

Improving cyber-maturity is also being discussed. The WHO blog article detailed the involvement of all parties in this unusual undertaking. The CyberPeace Institute, UN Inter-regional Crime and Justice Research Institute, UN International Computing Center (UNICC), Interpol (a worldwide police organization), and UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) are all part of this group.

The article supports its claims by stating that healthcare organizations’ IT systems experienced a higher frequency of attacks during the epidemic.

This page does not define disinformation. A “weaponization of information” is a more accurate description. Educating the public on the dangers of information manipulation and fake news is one possible approach. To accomplish this, their goal is to elevate authoritative voices and reliable news outlets. They support efforts to verify information, such as those that use both human and technological fact-checkers.

In light of the findings from the aforementioned UN organizations, the WHO blog says that it is crucial to form multisectoral coalitions in order to combat ever-evolving risks and make use of new technology to boost well-being and health.

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