(DailyDig.com) – Trying to beat inflation and maintain job security is something that many are faced with regularly. As of 2022, more Americans have taken on two full-time jobs in the last decade. This number is in the millions, and these individuals are working over 70 hours each week. There are some benefits to having multiple jobs, especially for those with outstanding debt and growing families. However, there are some drawbacks that you need to prepare yourself for and are possible, even if they take some time to develop.
Pros of Two Full-Time Jobs
Below are the benefits those working two full-time jobs are enjoying.
Multiple Streams of Income
Having more than one way to earn an income is great if you work in an industry that may be unreliable. Having a backup plan in case something goes awry with one job means you will always have financial security. You can also improve savings and reduce the amount of debt for yourself and your loved ones.
Amplified Networking
Because you are working two jobs, you can double your network and amplify your contacts. If applicable, you can diversify your connections with different skills and industries. Sometimes, you can use one job to assist with relationships at the other. This can easily expand your exposure as an employee and continue building on your career in both areas. This is a critical benefit, especially if one of the jobs is contract-based and you want to expand private clients.
Skill Building
By working two jobs, anyone becomes fluent in multitasking and building various skills. What you learn in one position can be used indirectly in the other, even if the two jobs are unrelated or in the same industry. These skills can be added to your resume and will reflect in your work history to future employers or even current ones if you seek a promotion.
Cons of Two Full-Time Jobs
While there are some benefits to having two jobs, there are some cons you should consider and prepare for overtime.
Lack of Attention
As you start to work two jobs for long periods, you may notice that you’re not dedicating as much attention or motivation to one position over the other. If you are splitting your energy and focus between the two, it isn’t easy to give each one 100 percent all the time. At different times, one or both jobs will suffer directly from the other.
Increased Fatigue
Working two full-time jobs will eventually work into your ability to rest and get sleep. After working both jobs for the day, you are forced to find time for chores and other daily responsibilities before retiring to bed. The time it takes to complete these responsibilities will come out of your sleep schedule and increase your fatigue. You may also find that you require more rest after two jobs because you put additional focus and attention into two positions instead of the traditional one.
Not only will your body be tired, but you will also feel fatigued mentally. You may be unable to focus or provide emotional assistance to your loved ones because you are not mentally prepared for life outside of work.
Poor Work/Life Balance
Committing to two full-time jobs not only means that you will sacrifice your sleep and rest, but you will also sacrifice a decent work/life balance that you may have had before you started the second position. This is an extension of increased fatigue, as you will often be too tired to spend time with others and may even avoid commitments with them because of your demanding work schedule.
No matter why you decided to pursue that second job, remember that you are not the only person who has agreed to take on this challenge. It is vital for your physical and mental health that you find a way to keep yourself healthy and locate a work/life balance each week to avoid excessive fatigue and burnout over time.
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