Holiday Themed Assistance Programs? Yes, They’re A Thing – And Here’s How To Find Them
(DailyDig.com) Born in Roman Britain, St. Patrick was the son of wealthy parents, but was captured by Irish raiders as a teenager. He eventually escaped, but felt called to return to Ireland – where he eventually established churches, monasteries and schools. One does not have to be Irish to appreciate the patron saint of Ireland, who is celebrated on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day, each year.
Many organizations have been inspired by the works of St. Patrick, and as such, offer a variety of programs and assistance while also celebrating their Irish heritage. Though assistance may sometimes only be local to the organization or have strict qualifications, many organizations and associations often work closely with other community organizations and businesses, and may be able to make referrals or suggestions for other forms of assistance.
St. Patrick Center
Located in St. Louis, the St. Patrick Center is a non-profit organization that was established in 1983. Their ultimate goal is to improve lives by providing opportunities for self-sufficiency and dignity. By working with individuals, businesses, and the government, they are able to effectively combat homelessness. In addition to their successful Housing First approach, St. Patrick Center also provides Job Readiness Training, offers a variety of health programs and provides veteran assistance.
St. Patrick Catholic Church
St. Patrick Catholic Church in Mount Dora, Florida, is a community of faith that is comprised of individuals from a multitude of ethnic, linguistic and racial backgrounds. They have a wide variety of ministries, including their food pantry. This ministry also provides assistance with utility bills, and even vital medication on an emergency basis in coordination with a local pharmacy.
Friendly Sons and Daughters of St. Patrick
Dating back to 1771, Friendly Sons and Daughters of St. Patrick is a vibrant organization in Philadelphia made up of U.S. citizens of Irish lineage. The Society promotes the Irish culture, education, and provides aid through scholarships and benevolence. They have multiple scholarships available to aid in their mission of improving the education of those of Irish birth or lineage, which can be a huge benefit to students in need. In addition, their benevolent contributions to other charities and organizations means they have a deep understanding of the needs of the community and what organizations are available in the area to serve others.
New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade
The St. Patrick Day Foundation supports the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which is the oldest and largest parade in the world. It celebrates Irish contributions to American society through student scholarships, educational initiatives, programs, cultural events, and more. High school and college level students can benefit from the scholarship opportunities, when pursuing higher education may be otherwise cost prohibitive.
St. Patrick Church
St. Patrick Church in Corpus Christi, TX, is a welcoming Catholic community. The church has over 30 ministries, many of which help to serve the basic needs of the community. They have a ministry to serve and assist homebound parishioners who may be too sick or frail to attend services. The weekly food pantry is another vital ministry, serving up to 40 families per week.
This is just a small sampling of the many organizations available that provide assistance, resources, and help to their communities. Reaching out to local churches and organizations is just one way to find assistance. Even if one organization is unable to meet an individual’s or family’s specific needs, they can typically offer suggestions or referrals to other organizations in the community that offer similar assistance or have different qualifying parameters. When looking for assistance opportunities, always ask for additional suggestions and advice. Organizations who strive to serve the community will always be willing to point community members in the right direction.
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