
Dixie Breaks New Records, Citizens Panic

Dixie Breaks New Records, Citizens Panic

( - Records are often something that many want to break. In most cases, that’s positive — the Guiness Book of World Records is...
What Happens When Junkie Pee Gets Into Our Water?

What Happens When Junkie Pee Gets Into Our Water?

( - Drug addiction is an all-too-common problem among humans, and unfortunately, there’s no shortage of available substances, either. That being said, like everything...
Susan B. Anthony — Champion of Temperance

Susan B. Anthony — Champion of Temperance

( - There are several historical figures in our nation’s history. However, Susan B. Anthony is one who should receive more recognition than she...
History of the Toms

History of the Toms

( - You may be wondering what the “Toms” are — or maybe you know exactly what they are. Whatever the case may be,...
The Sunflower State

The Sunflower State

( - The United States is a big place, with every state that resides within it being unique. While Kansas may not seem like...
PEADs — Keeping the US One Step Ahead

PEADs — Keeping the US One Step Ahead

( - The Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) are presidential documents of secret pre-planning for emergencies. Yes, we know, these sound kind of scary,...
Uniform Monday Holiday Act

Uniform Monday Holiday Act

( - Have you ever found it strange that many of our federal holidays fall on Mondays? Don’t worry, you’re not crazy. This was...
Powers of the Legislative Branch

Powers of the Legislative Branch

( - The United States government is composed of three branches of government: the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. Each...
The Right to Bear Arms

The Right to Bear Arms

( - There may not be a more controversial amendment to the US Constitution than the Second. The right granted to us to keep...
Understanding How Inflation Works

Understanding How Inflation Works

( - We all have to deal with inflation. It’s often a sign of a growing economy, but sometimes it can continue even when...
